Diverse Installations of re-purposed found objects.
My studio in Chicago was near old railroad tracks and the meat packing district where detritus could be found. I have always, like many artists, collected junk wondering about their “other lives”.
I realized I could honor these “cast-offs”, give them a new life, combinethem to create new “Wholes” where they could stand alone, or put them in new community “Groupings”. (Nothing is Lost!)
One day my studio partner, sculptor Gordon Powell, gave me a box of his cast offs, and I combined them with some old wood objects I had. In 1987, I displayed them in my MFA Thesis Show at the Art Institute of Chicago and won the Edward Ryerson Traveling Fellowship. (It took me to Italy, France, England for 6 weeks. These little “cast offs” were supporting me!)
“Found Objects Self-Possessed” has also been displayed in my “Thresholds” Exhibition in Chicago, and at the Sedona Arts Center in a Sedona Visual Artists Coalition show.